frequently asked questions

I placed an order for some sweet disciplemaking resources, what should I expect?

First of all, thank you for your order. You should receive a confirmation/receipt email immediately following your online purchase. At this point you can sit back and relax as our team will take it from here. You can expect to receive a shipping confirmation within 3-5 business days.

I signed up for the virtual huddle but haven’t received the kit, should I be concerned?

Hopefully you are receiving our communications so you might want to check your spam folder. The kits ship two weeks before the start of the Huddle so you’re probably good to go but if you’d like to verify the exact ship date of the kit please reach out to

How can I be kept in the know on new resources and Huddles?

Great question! Scroll to the bottom right of this page and sign up for our monthly email update. You can also find us on Facebook or Instagram.


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